Recommended Guidelines for Student Observation

This placement is the second in a series of three classroom experiences for teacher candidates pursuing licensure in World Language. Previously, these Student Observers have observed and interacted with students in either a World Language setting where they spent at least 50 hours of observation and designed and implemented their own lesson. This FLTE 475/478 placement requires 120 hours and allows the students to experience collaboration, co-planning and co-teaching with their Cooperating Teachers. 

It is important to emphasize that these are just guidelines. If the Cooperating Teacher and Student Observer agree that the Student Observer is ready for more advanced activities, that is perfectly fine. However, it is important to gradually build up toward a routine of more teaching than observation, recognizing that our students are still learning both the art and science of teaching and need to be able to observe their Cooperating Teachers modeling instructional strategies, to gradually demonstrate the best practices they observe.

Student Observers are expected to plan and complete several assignments at their placement. 

  • Facilitating Target Language Comprehensibility and Communicative Teaching
  • Authentic Resource Lesson
  • CT Interviews

Weeks 1-3: (8/26 through 9/13)* Acclimation and daily routines/transitions

  • The Cooperating Teacher will work with the Student Observer to create an observation schedule in which the Student Observer attends the placement site at least two times per week. The length of these visits can vary, but keeping in mind that the Student Observer needs a total of 120 hours by the end of Week 16.
  • The Cooperating Teacher will orient the Student Observer to the school, specifically introducing them to students, other faculty, and staff and highlighting support services and resources available.
  • The Cooperating Teacher should also help the Student Observer understand the normal procedures that occur throughout a school day, both in the classroom and across the school.
  • The primary focus of the student these first few weeks is to observe the Cooperating Teacher’s management and instruction, as well as classroom procedures.
  • The Student Observer will begin to write hall passes, practice getting the attention of students, keep grades, and help with the classroom website or Learning Management System (LMS), all where applicable.
  • The Student Observer should also attend all meetings that occur during placement times.
  • When appropriate, Student Observers can also occasionally tutor students and/or support small groups of students under the direction of the Cooperating Teacher.

*Some Student Observers might not begin until Week 2 due to clearance delays. In these cases, please develop an observation schedule during Week 1 to ensure a smooth transition.

Weeks 4-5: (9/16 through 9/27) Management routines, Collaborative planning, Brief modeling episodes, Facilitating Target Language Comprehensibility and Communicative Teaching

  • During this timeframe, the Student Observer should be taking on more responsibility.
  • The Student Observer should be helping with management routines and should be collaborating with the Cooperating Teacher to understand how lessons and units are planned and implemented.
  • Although the major role of planning is still in the hands of the Cooperating Teacher, the Student Observer should begin practicing planning lessons and discussing opportunities to implement some of their own ideas in the Cooperating Teacher’s lessons.
  • Gradually, the Student Observer should be given the opportunity to model brief instructional strategies seen from and discussed with the Cooperating Teacher.
  • The Student Observer may also be given the chance to co-teach short segments of lessons with the Cooperating Teacher.
  • By Week 5, the Cooperating Teacher should help the Student Observer select a lesson in which the Student Observer will focus on Facilitating Target Language Comprehensibility and Communicative Teaching.

Weeks 6-7: (9/30 through 10/11) Co-teaching, Small group, Single periods of instruction

  • During this time, the Student Observer should have an increasingly active role in the classroom.
    • The Student Observer should have a teaching role for at least 50% of class visits.
  • The Student Observer should begin using the Cooperating Teacher’s lesson plans to do the following [offered in a recommended order]: (a) co-teach all or part of a lesson with the Cooperating Teacher (b) independently teach a lesson, in whole or part, using instructional strategies that the Student Observer has previously observed, (c) provide primary instruction for one assigned small group of students, (d) teach a single, whole class instructional period.
  • The Cooperating Teacher should remain present in the classroom to support the Student Observer, to provide feedback, and to intervene in any classroom management concerns that require assistance.
  • The Cooperating Teacher should be ready to answer CT Interview questions asking them about their process for lesson and unit design creation.

Weeks 8-10: (10/14 through 11/1) Observing, Teaching, and Planning

  • During this time, the student should continue taking over some teaching responsibilities while still observing the Cooperating Teacher frequently.
    • The Student Observer should have a teaching role for at least 50% of class visits.
  • The Student Observer should continue using the Cooperating Teacher’s lesson plans to do the following [offered in a recommended order]: (a) provide primary instruction for one assigned small group of students, (b) teach a single, whole class instructional period, (c) work with the Cooperating Teacher to develop or modify a lesson plan/activity and teach it.
  • The Cooperating Teacher should help the Student Observer plan a one-day lesson  which allows the student observer to practice providing comprehensible input and skills associated with communicative language teaching. 

Weeks 11-12: (11/4 through 11/15)

  • During this time, the student should continue taking over some teaching responsibilities while still observing the Cooperating Teacher frequently.
    • The Student Observer should have a teaching role for at least 50% of class visits.
  • The Student Observer should continue using the Cooperating Teacher’s lesson plans to do the following [offered in a recommended order]: (a) provide primary instruction for one assigned small group of students, (b) teach a single, whole class instructional period, (c) work with the Cooperating Teacher to develop or modify a lesson plan/activity and teach it.
  • Again, it is important that the Cooperating Teacher is present in the classroom. However, if the Student Observer is ready, the Cooperating Teacher may leave the classroom from time to time giving the Student Observer the experience of doing things on their own.
  • The Cooperating Teacher should help the Student Observer select an Authentic Resource that they can use to plan a lesson that the Student Observer will conduct by Week 16. 
  • The Cooperating Teacher should be ready to answer CT Interview questions asking them about considerations and accommodations they have made in their teaching career for special needs, gifted, and heritage learners.
  • By the end of Week 12, the Student Observer should teach the lesson on Facilitating Target Language Comprehensibility and Communicative Teaching. If possible, the Student Observer should conduct the lesson across multiple periods of the same course (e.g., Spanish 2 (1st period) & Spanish 2 (3rd period.)) 
    • Please note that the Student Observer is required to record a portion of their lesson. The Cooperating Teacher should aid the student observer in this process. Please only include the Student Observer in the video. No students should be recorded.
    • The Student Observer is expected to schedule a post teaching conference in order to discuss positive aspects of the lesson and one area of growth.

Week 13: (11/18 through 11/22) Planning, teaching, and reflecting on teaching

  • Student Observer has an active role co-teaching or teaching independently during class visits.
  • The Student Observer should have a teaching role for at least 70% of class visits.
  • The Student Observer can plan and implement own lessons under the guidance of the Cooperating Teacher or they can teach by following the Cooperating Teacher’s lesson plans.
  • The Cooperating Teacher should assist the Student Observer to plan a two-day lesson based on an Authentic Resource to be conducted by Week 16. 
    • The lesson plan should target 1) Interpretive and 2) Interpersonal OR Presentational modes of communication.

Week 14: (Thanksgiving break: 11/23 through 12/1—No placement, No UIUC classes)

Weeks 15-16: (12/2 through 12/13)

  • The Student Observer should now be teaching or co-teaching during every visit.
  • By Week 16, the Student Observer should finish planning the Authentic Resource lesson and teach it during a given class period across two consecutive days.
    • If possible, the Student Observer should conduct the Authentic Resource lesson across multiple periods of the same course (e.g., Spanish 2 (1st period) & Spanish 2 (3rd period)
  • The Student Observer should be asking the advice and consent of the Cooperating Teacher for any lessons planned.
  • The Cooperating Teacher may participate in the classroom in some way by assisting with a lesson, working with specific students, aiding in student evaluation, and/or making frequent observations throughout the day in the classroom.
  • If applicable, the candidate may also visit other World Language classrooms throughout the school to observe different teaching methods.