The following are important dates for Student Teachers in the FLTE program.

Please remember to follow your school's calendar for holidays and breaks. 

January 3*

*Actual start date will vary by district. Student Teachers should return from Winter Break on the same day as their Cooperating Teachers.

Student Teaching begins


January 3-19*

*ST will plan & teach one lesson in the class that will she/he will take over first


Continued early field experience*

*ST will begin teaching. CT & ST decide on time convenient to both parties. No supervisory observations during continued early field experience.

January 16

FLTE 478 – Class 1

January 22-26*

*CT/ST co-teach M,T,W / ST goes solo Th,F and beyond

Student Teaching: begin takeover of class #1*

January 31

Last day to apply for licensure in CoTE Portal!

January 30

FLTE 478 – Class 2

January 29 - March 10

Supervisor Classroom Observations #1, #2, & #3


February 5-9*

*CT/ST co-teach M,T,W / ST goes solo Th,F and beyond

Begin takeover of class #2


February 13

FLTE 478 – Class 3

February 26

Begin full takeover

(Begin teaching CT’s full schedule PLUS non-instructional activities: tutoring, advising, etc.)

February 27

FLTE 478 - Class 4

March 1

Career Development Workshop

March 11-16

Spring Break: Champaign Schools (Unit #4)

March 18 - 22

Midterm 3-way Conferences


March 27

Midterm assessment deadline: ST, CT, & Supervisor

CoTE website upload:

March 25-May 3

Supervisor Classroom Observations #4 & #5


May 6-12

Final Evaluation 3-way Conferences


May 8 - 10

Stepdown (CT takes back classes)

To be done over 3 school days; ST is responsible for teaching full load through May 7


May 10

Last Day of Student Teaching


May 13 - 15

Student Teaching make-up days (as needed)